What Does General Dentistry Mean


General dentists make up over 80% of oral healthcare providers. By definition, it entails the diagnosing, treatment, and management of all oral healthcare needs. This can include gum care, root canal, fillings, fixing of braces, and cleaning.

To many people, general dentists are perhaps the one healthcare provider that they see more often than others. Thanks to general dentistry, one can take charge of their oral hygiene and prevent or cure oral conditions.

General dentistry is suitable for people of all ages, kids included. This is why you and your family should plan a trip to the general dentist every six months. There are more specialized forms of oral healthcare such as sedation denistry which plays a vital role in treating dental conditions.

Here is A List of Practises Entailed in General Dentistry

· Preventive Services


The number rule of general dentistry is that prevention is better than cure. It is easier if a person prevents an oral condition other than deal with it later on. General dentistry, in most cases, entails conduction of oral exams to ensure your dental health is in excellent condition. Practices such as cleaning help prevent the occurrence of diseases such as decay.

· Restorative Services

At times, you might discover a dental condition when it’s too late. In such a scenario, the way forward is to get restorative services as removing a decayed tooth or fill an affected tooth.

Crowns can also be fitted to treat dentures. In case you are missing a tooth, or it is broken, it can be filled with ease.

· Cosmetic Procedures

If you want to achieve the perfect smile, general dentistry can help you achieve this. A general dentist can conduct cosmetic procedures such as whitening of your teeth, thus giving you a brighter smile.

· Overall Dental Health Concerns

For all your dental needs, you can see a general dentist. They are equipped with the necessary skills suitable for treating a variety of dental health conditions. It is only on a few occasions where you may need to see a specialized dentist.


Now that you know what general dentistry means. You can schedule an appointment with a dentist today for restorative, preventive services, cosmetic procedures, and overall dental health concerns.